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Quickstart Guide

This guide shows you the basics of Timoni. You'll deploy a demo application on Kubernetes using a Timoni module published in a container registry.


To follow this guide you'll need:

  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • Timoni installed on a system with writable /tmp

Install Timoni with:

brew install stefanprodan/tap/timoni

For other methods, see the installation guide.

Install a module

To install a Timoni module on a Kubernetes cluster, you have to specify the container registry address and the version of a module.

Modules and Instances

If you are familiar with Helm, a Timoni module is the equivalent of a chart, and a Timoni instance is the equivalent of a Helm release. To learn more about modules and instances, please see the concepts doc.

For example, to install the latest stable version of podinfo in a new namespace:

timoni -n test apply podinfo oci://
pulling oci://
using module version 6.5.4
installing podinfo in namespace test
Namespace/test created
ServiceAccount/test/podinfo created
Service/test/podinfo created
Deployment/test/podinfo created
waiting for 3 resource(s) to become ready...
all resources are ready

The apply command pulls the module from the container registry, creates the Kubernetes resources in the specified namespace, and waits for all resources to become ready.

To learn more about all the available apply options, use timoni apply --help.

List and inspect instances

You can list all instances in a cluster with:

timoni list -A
NAME    NAMESPACE   MODULE                                      VERSION LAST APPLIED            BUNDLE 
podinfo test        oci://  6.5.4   2024-01-20T19:51:17Z    - 

To see the status of the Kubernetes resources managed by an instance:

timoni -n test status podinfo
last applied 2024-01-20T19:51:17Z
module oci://
digest sha256:1dba385f9d56f9a79e5b87344bbec1502bd11f056df51834e18d3e054de39365
container image
container image
ServiceAccount/test/podinfo Current - Resource is current
Service/test/podinfo Current - Service is ready
Deployment/test/podinfo Current - Deployment is available. Replicas: 1

To get more information on an instance, you can use the timoni inspect sub-commands.

For example, to list the module URL, version and OCI digest of the podinfo instance:

timoni -n test inspect module podinfo
digest: sha256:1dba385f9d56f9a79e5b87344bbec1502bd11f056df51834e18d3e054de39365
repository: oci://
version: 6.5.4

To learn more about the available commands, use timoni inspect --help.

Configure a module instance

To customise an instance, you can supply the configuration using values files.

For example, to set the QoS class to guaranteed, create a qos-values.cue file that sets the resources limits equal to the requests:

values: {
    resources: requests: {
        cpu:    "100m"
        memory: "128Mi"
    resources: limits: resources.requests

Apply the config to the podinfo module to perform an upgrade:

timoni -n test apply podinfo oci:// \
  --values qos-values.cue
pulling oci://
using module version 6.5.4
upgrading podinfo in namespace test
ServiceAccount/test/podinfo unchanged
Service/test/podinfo unchanged
Deployment/test/podinfo configured
resources are ready

Before running an upgrade, you can review the changes that will be made on the cluster with timoni apply --dry-run --diff.

Uninstall a module instance

To uninstall an instance and delete all the managed Kubernetes resources:

timoni -n test delete podinfo
deleting 3 resource(s)...
Deployment/test/podinfo deleted
Service/test/podinfo deleted
ServiceAccount/test/podinfo deleted
all resources have been deleted

By default, the delete command will wait for all the resources to be removed. To skip waiting, use the --wait=false flag.

Bundling instances

For deploying complex applications to production, it is recommended to use Timoni Bundles.

A Timoni Bundle is a CUE file for defining a group of instances together with their values and module references.

The following is an example of a Bundle that defines a Redis master-replica cluster and a podinfo instance connected to the Redis instance.

bundle: {
    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "podinfo"
    instances: {
        redis: {
            module: {
                url:     "oci://"
                version: "7.2.4"
            namespace: "podinfo"
            values: maxmemory: 256
        podinfo: {
            module: url:     "oci://"
            module: version: "6.5.4"
            namespace: "podinfo"
            values: caching: {
                enabled:  true
                redisURL: "tcp://redis:6379"

To apply the above bundle on a cluster, save the file as podinfo.bundle.cue and run:

timoni bundle apply -f podinfo.bundle.cue

To list all the instances managed by a bundle:

timoni list -A --bundle podinfo

To delete all the instances defined in a bundle:

timoni bundle delete -f podinfo.bundle.cue

To learn more about bundles, please see the Bundle API and the Bundle distribution documentation.